Survivors of alleged childhood abuse within the People of Praise (PoP), a Christian group that includes Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett as a member, have raised serious concerns following the recent appointment of Barrett’s father, Michael Coney, as the group’s legal counsel. This appointment is part of a larger leadership restructuring within the PoP, a community that has faced scrutiny and claims of cult-like practices.

Michael Coney, a seasoned Louisiana-based lawyer with previous ties to Shell, has been a long-standing member of the PoP. His new role also includes leading a “consultation team” tasked with addressing internal issues such as the misuse of authority, lack of accountable leadership, and mistrust of the board within the group. This change in leadership comes amidst an ongoing debate over the 2021 election of the current PoP leader, Charlie Fraga, which has been described as a significant threat to the unity of the community.

The concerns of PoP Survivors, a group representing individuals who allege they suffered sexual and physical abuse during their childhood within the PoP, are particularly intensified by this development. They have long advocated for a thorough investigation and accountability for the PoP’s handling of historical abuse claims. In 2020, the group engaged the law firm Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan for an independent investigation into sexual abuse claims, but the findings were never disclosed to the public.

This lack of transparency is a critical issue for PoP Survivors, especially given the common practice among many organizations, including some Catholic Church dioceses, to release results of such investigations. They fear that Coney’s new position could give him undue influence over what information is released, potentially hindering public scrutiny, which they consider essential for the protection of children within the group.

Amy Coney Barrett, although a member of the PoP, has not been publicly implicated in any wrongdoing. However, there were efforts to remove mentions and photos of her from the PoP’s website ahead of her Supreme Court nomination, likely to avoid bringing her into the controversies surrounding the group’s beliefs and practices.

The PoP, founded in the 1970s as part of a Christian charismatic movement, has faced criticism for its practices and beliefs. Members, who commit to a covenant, are expected to adhere to the guidance of male authorities within the group and contribute financially. The group has been accused of endorsing discriminatory practices, such as expelling members who engage in homosexual acts and implementing admission policies in affiliated schools that effectively exclude children of gay parents.

This development has not only concerned the survivor group but also active members like Nano Farabaugh, who has questioned the board’s decision-making processes and the lack of transparency and accountability in leadership. These internal and external pressures highlight the growing challenges within the PoP, particularly regarding its handling of past abuse allegations and current governance issues.

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